I had every intention of participating in this read along as scheduled. But then I got distracted and went off track. So I thought that I would jump in on the sections, after I answer the previous week’s question. That way I wouldn’t read ahead and forget what was going on or spoil something for someone. But it took me too long to get to week 1’s questions, so I am once again playing catch up. Tis the story of my life.

*Because I am doing this as I read, I won’t be breaking it down by weeks. But I wanted to give the hosts a shout out.

Week 1 – Annemieke @ A Dance with Books)

Week 2 – Imyril @ There Is Always Room for One More

Week 3- Mayri @ BKFRGR

Week 4 – Annemieke @ A Dance with Books

It seems like it may have started out as something a little less serious, which makes for a very shallow foretelling. But after reading the novella and everything that has happened, I think its a reference for things that have already happened and things yet to come.

02 What are your thoughts on Hitomi?

I think Hitomi is a smartass with a good heart.They are also young, and hasn’t had the world jade them. as much as they would like people to think. I like them as a character and im looking forward to get to know them better.

03 What did you think of the world building surrounding Karolene, its people, and the magic overall? What about the Shadow League?

I don’t know if it’s because it’s been a minute since I’ve finished reading, but Karolene is a pretty forgettable place. I don’t really remember the feel of the place. But when I sit and try to remember, I get that it feels as a typical conquered town would feel. There are those who are happy to go unnoticed and those who are rebelling against the powers to be. Are we even clear about who the powers to be are?

04 Hitomi lost both her parents at a young age. Her father is dead and her mother believed to be death. Yet when she is captures she sees her mother with the enemy mage. Willingly. What do you think the story might be there? Why wouldn’t she reach out to her daughter?

I am not sure what to make of her mother still being alive and willingly living with the enemy mage. Part of that is because we don’t really know much about Hotomi and her being a Promise. We’re not sure what that means fully and what it would mean if she was discovered. We know that it would be bad, but not how bad. Her mother could be there as a focus… keep the attention on her and not the possibility of a child. There are many ways to hold someone captive and chains are not always involved.

5 During her captivity we learn of fangs and breathers. What are your thoughts on these species?

I think that this sets things up with a clear enemy and one that is supposed to be an enemy but turns into an ally. I am not sure what’s going to happen next, but I think Hitomi is going to need unconventional allies to accomplish the task that she sets out on.

06 Hitomi is a promise. Someone with a talent for magic but untrained. What do you make of her outbursts of magic and what has been told about that? 

As we discover that her father set her up to be a different sort of mage and I think that is going to set the tone for what she is going to be dealing with. She is going to have to work outside the system. Is that because the system is as corrupt as mages like Black Flame. But because she is untrained, the magic is going to cost her in ways she may not know about.

07 She escapes with Val, a breather. After she saves his life and is gravely injured, he takes care of her. He says he owes her a debt and that is the only reason. What do you make of his actions?

I think that it is easier for Val to care for her out of a perceived debt. The same way that she debated saving him. It He is older an he is probably more aware of the reasons breathers and mages can’t be friends. But he also knows (of) her father and I think that is a key point. The more she learns about her father, the more it will become clear what she should be doing.

08 Hitomi is now left with Mistress Stormwind. What do you make of our mage? What do role do you think she will play in the future?

I like Mistress Stormwind. I think she is the kind of teacher that Hitomi needs, but I also think that they become friends. And they develop a bond that is going to help Hitomi. not only in the immediate future but long term. Like she will be the voice that she hears when she’s stuck between decisions.

09 Now that you have read the book, which of the two covers do you think fits the best with the story?

Maybe I am completely biased, but I think the original is more fitting.

Come back in a couple of days for WEEK 2 responses!!!